Company consolidation processes are a frequent challenge that we face with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations implementations. Some companies have different subsidiary companies in Latin America, for this reason we need to create not only separate entities, but also separate charts of accounts (COA).

In this article I will focus on the Online Company Consolidation capability in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations and how to efficiently implement it.

1.    Create a consolidation entity

To create a company consolidation entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, we must access in Organization administration > Organizations > Legal entities.

Create a Consolidation Entity

Then click on New and mark the company as:

– Use for financial consolidation process.

– Use for financial elimination process (Use this if your company manages intercompany transactions).

Create a Consolidation Entity

Create a Consolidation Entity

Add the entity into organization hierarchy.

Create a Consolidation Entity

Since this is a legal entity, there are some configurations that we need to do:

Go to Organization administration > Number sequences > Number sequences.

Then, click on Generate and follow the wizard.

Create Number Sequences

Create Number Sequences

Create Number Sequences

To configurate this parameter click on General ledger > Ledger Setup > General ledger parameters.

Then, click on Batch transfer rules and change transfer mode to Synchronous.

This option allows to immediately transfer source document subledger journal entries to the general journal.

General Ledger Parameters

Click on the consolidation and elimination entity to configure ledger parameters. For this purpose, select General ledger > Ledger Setup > Ledger.

Remember to take into consideration the COA we want to report in before setting up the ledger for the consolidation entity. Also, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations will create all reports by default with the accounting currency we set up here.

Ledger Setup

Go to the consolidation entity and create a number sequence for elimination journals at Organization administration > Number sequences > Number sequences.

Number Sequences

Use an elimination journal if the company manages intercompany transactions. This journal will remove the additional entries that were created when posting intercompany transactions.

To start the configuration, we go to General Ledger > Journal Setup > Journal Names and click on New.

Journal Name

To configurate this parameter, we click on General Ledger > Posting Setup >Accounts for automatic transactions. As soon as we have selected this option, we need to configure accounts for transaction types.

Accounts for Automatic Transactions

Part of the company consolidation process is to map consolidation accounts to their corresponding statutory account. In this case, I am consolidating with a legal entity, so we need to consolidate from our local accounts to our global accounts.

Select each company we want to consolidate and enter the consolidation account, or our global account.

For this, go to: General Ledger > Chart of accounts > Accounts > Main accounts. Select every account and map to the global COA.

• Global COA:

Consolidation Accounts

• Local COA:

Consolidation Accounts

At this point, we will have completed our setup of the consolidation legal entity and we are now ready to consolidate our balances.

2.    Consolidate in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Access to the consolidation module in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

First, click on Consolidations > Consolidate Online.

Go to the core options to create our consolidations. Be very careful when selecting every option to get accurate results.

  1. Main account: select the accounts that should be included in the consolidation. If we don’t select an account range, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations will show us all charts of accounts.
  2. Use consolidation account: if we set this option to Yes, the selected consolidation account from field becomes available. Select whether all accounts should be merged to the consolidation account that is set on the Main accounts page, or whether we want to select the account from one of the consolidation account groups.
  3. Consolidation period: select the range of dates for the consolidation.
  4. Mark the gap for Include actual amount and Rebuild balances during consolidation process.

Consolidate in Dynamics 365

Select the legal entities that should be consolidated.

Legal Entities

On the Currency translation tab, we define the legal entity, account and exchange rate type, and rate. Then, three options are available in the Apply exchange rate from field:

Currency Transaction

Then click on OK and the online company consolidation process will begin. It can take several minutes depending on the number of transactions and companies that we need to consolidate.

Currency Transaction

3.    Check your Company Consolidation Transactions

There are several ways in which we can view the results of our consolidation process. So, let’s take a look at a few of them:

Go to General ledger > Common > Trial balance

Also, we will visualize a consolidated trial balance for the periods on which consolidations were performed.

Trial Balance in Dynamics 365

Click on Consolidations > Consolidation transactions.

Here, we will be able to get all entities for which consolidations were performed, as well as all the transactions that were brought over for the consolidated period.

Consolidation Transactions

Consolidation Transactions

If you follow the steps mentioned above and have a clear vision of what your company requires, I have no doubt that you’ll be able to perform consolidations and create reports without any major issues.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations has many powerful capabilities for your company to enhance your business processes and operations.

If you require more details about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, feel free to contact us and one of our experts will reach out to you.