Microsoft commissioned The Forrester Consulting  to make a Total Economic Impact report to examine the Return on Investment (ROI) seven companies experienced by implementing and using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations for several years and shed light onto the key benefits, insights, and efficiency of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). In the Forrester report, they used the information provided by the seven interviewed companies and created a fictional composite company that averaged the results.

In this blog, I’m going to summarize the key benefits applied to the composite company in the Forrester report.

The interviewed companies

The following companies started to use Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations after utilizing a legacy system that couldn’t meet their current nor future needs. They admit that their revenue improved after using the ERP. These are the results gathered in the Forrester report:

The fictional composite company

To provide a total financial analysis for the Forrester report, they created a composite company with the following characteristics:

Quantified benefits of the fictional composite company

These are some of the quantified benefits the fictional composite company acquired (through studies and calculations) after using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

Unquantified benefits of the fictional composite company

These are the unquantified benefits the fictional composite company gained (through a series of studies for the Forrester report) after they implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

These are just some of the key benefits found in The Forrester report for the companies that use and will use Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

In Pangea Group, our clients have also experienced these benefits after implementing Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations with us. Our team of certified consultants arduously work to ensure the effectiveness of the ERP within your company.

We invite you to read the complete Forrester Total Economic Impact report here

If you wish to learn more about Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations or Pangea Group, please contact us.