All industries benefit from being able to track expenses and revenue at a granular level. The wireless infrastructure (WI) industry is no exception. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is built to meet the wireless industry’s unique requirements thanks to robust and full-featured core design.

Elaborate operations, new lease accounting requirements such as ASC842/IFRS16, repetitive processes, and multiple departments working on different tasks but requiring the same information makes a WI organization complex to manage. For this reason, Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations may help streamline your workflow and automate processes, that we will get into as you keep reading, both of which guarantee seamless operations throughout your company.

Critical capabilities for the Wireless industry

Dynamics 365 provides robust integration points between the multitude of front-end applications that help manage your business. Whether you are using a propriety lease management system, Siterra, or any other number of applications, Dynamics 365 can help consolidate at a financial and operations level while optimizing and automating your workflow, reducing manual input.

One crucial operation that may be automated is the delivery of invoices. Without the need for printing each invoice and instead of sending it via email, customer service is improved, costs are reduced, and the work is still being done. With less manual processes, your employees can take on more tasks, boosting productivity, and bringing profit to your company.

Many companies in WI may have a multi-national component, as there are many opportunities in markets outside the United States. Dynamics 365 robust multi-entity features, along with localizations for over 100 markets, facilitate your organization day to day operations by allowing accurate statutory financial reporting and data capturing requirements for each country’s respective government.

Why Pangea Group?

Thanks to our deep expertise in working with clients within the industry, Pangea Group is uniquely positioned to implement Dynamics 365 as our consultants are deeply aware of specific challenges and issues that face your organization.

Download our case study here to learn more about how we can help your company.

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