Microsoft Power BI is a Bussiness Intelligence application. In this blog, I am going to shed some light on what is Bussiness Inteligence, what is Power BI, and how you can improve your company’s operations by utilizing its platform.

What is Business Intelligence, B.I.

Business Intelligence (BI) is a catch-all phrase for applications that provide insights about an enterprise’s daily operations. BI systems allow organizations to connect to data sources such as your accounting package, customer relationship software, and any other system that your company may utilize, allowing the creation of information, rich dashboards, and reports.

These dashboards and reports provide extensive data exploration and modeling. For example, a collections agent might want to model different scenarios involving credit limits and discounts. “Should you increase credit discounts for quicker cash receipts?” “What would be the expected increase in cash versus loss of revenue due to discounts?” BI can help answer these questions based on your data trends, thus helping you make wiser business choices.

Microsoft Power BI Platform

Microsoft Power BI is a powerful and embedded business intelligence package that, thanks to cloud-based approach, allows you to finally have access to your data from any location across the globe as well as working natively in applications you currently depend on such as Outlook, Office 365 and Microsoft’s ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) such as Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

With Microsoft Power BI, you can quickly and easily have an overall view of your data:

Power BI Dashboard

Make informed decisions with Microsoft Power BI

Power BI helps you to knowingly analyze dashboards on the web or on your phone, get alerts when data changes, and drill into details. This will provide a way for you to improve decision making.

Learn about Power BI’s strengths in this video:

Pangea Group’s Business Intelligence team helps deliver the right information,
at the right time, to the right person to ensure your company’s success.

I hope this article helped you understand a bit more about Business Intelligence and Microsoft Power BI

If you wish to learn more about Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, please contact us. We invite you to learn more about how we may help you grow.