Wireless Infrastructure wins with Microsoft Dynamics 365

All industries benefit from being able to track expenses and revenue at a granular level. The wireless infrastructure (WI) industry is no exception. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is built to meet the wireless industry’s unique requirements thanks to robust and full-featured core design.

3 key features you need to know about Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations localization

Some people confuse “localization” with “internationalization,” but there is a clear difference between those two concepts. A localization is the process of adapting a product, content or operation to a specific location or a target market; in our case Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Enterprise Resource Planner (ERP) Internationalization is to prepare a product, […]

10 Microsoft Updates for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations that you need to know

The Microsoft updates will present new capabilities for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations in different areas such as compliance, performance, supportability, and automation to introduce self-customized features, improve user experience, and enhance the return of investment. All these and more in its 2019 Dynamics 365 release wave 2 plan. Today, I want to briefly display […]

Impactful Dynamics 365 Update for Finance and Operations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Update Accordingly to the Dynamics 365 update of October 1st, 2019, Microsoft split Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations into two separate licenses: Dynamics 365 Finance and Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. Combined, both have the exact same functionality as Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. Read our blog about the Microsoft update for […]

ERP Technology Value Matrix placed Dynamics 365 as leader!

Enterprise Resource Planner (ERP) Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations was placed as a leading ERP and Dynamics 365 Business Central as a facilitator by the Nucleus Research in their ERP Technology Value Matrix. In this blog, I am going to briefly display the parameters the Nucleus Research used to make their report and why they […]